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How it works for companies

You will pay only if you find the sales agent or distributor you need.

Searcha - Registro gratuito a la plataforma

Register for free and publish your offers. searcha will show you the matching profiles and you will be able to show interest in the ones that best fit your needs. In a few days you will receive a notification saying either your Contact Request has been accepted or not

Searcha - Activa tu oferta y marca favoritos

Once you have registered and published your offer for free, use the search engine by indicating your search criteria. searcha will show you the profiles that match your selection.

You can mark the profiles as favourites and ask the sales agent or distributor if they are interested in your offer.

Searcha - Escoge tu plan: Basic o Premium

If there is interest on both sides, you will be able to purchase the pack BASIC and view the contact details of the sales agent or distributor. Contact them and jointly evaluate your possible collaboration.

If you haven't found the right candidate or you prefer to let searcha do the search, we suggest considering pack PREMIUMservice. We will carry out a tailored search for the commercial partner you need.

Register and publish your offer for free

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